sebelum tdo awl lg mlm nih..terasa nk post ttg PhD
Ceritanya bermula
Di suatu pg jumaat yg mulia dan indah.. satu sms keramat diterima from SV berbunyi 'viva 20hb'..gulp..astaghfirullahalazim
next..ape nk buat ni!!
terpkir cr example ppt for viva..yg ni tanya En Google dlu lah..terjumpa 1 , menarik utk dibaca
FROM DAVID TWIGG-preparation for PhD "a personal reflection"
The submission of PhD is like climbing to the top of mountain. You spend a long time preparing and planning, then you take a sustained effort to reach the summit. Once there, you have a brief opportunity to look over horizon. Then you have to continue your journey.
Think about your own route through the PhD process. YOU have reached the summit. You have researched, written and analyzed the topic. However, others dont know about your achievement yet. The summit is not the end of the journey. You need to descend the mountain, otherwise, only YOU will know that you were there.
Lagi tip-tip utk viva voice from David Twigg boleh copy link --> www.eeng.nuim.ie/~tward/documents/phdviva.pdf
so next task to build up viva slide for phd
1. call my sister to email her viva slide..
2. preparing related notes
3. preparing 30-40 questions that going to be ask by examiner-gali byk2 dlm thesis
4. .....
5. .....
But the best tip is come from my SV BFF, baca surah Yusof ayat 4 n surah Taha ayat 39 for examiner kasihkan kite ms viva nanti..selamat beramal..insyaAllah
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